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Friday, September 9, 2022

I just asked our German friend in Frankfurt whether it's true Germans are being asked to take cold showers?

His answer:

Yes - it's true. Also we are advised to use washcloths instead of taking a shower, to reduce the heating, put on a big sweater instead once it gets cold etc.

Of course there also voices against this madness - but they are few.

And one has to add: Until now these are only recommendations by politicians - they are not yet rules.

Funny: In Berlin, a policeman off duty saw an adoslecent (turned out he was 15) hitting a girl.

The policeman interrupted this, the guy told the policeman that the girl was his wife and he was allowed to do so. After that he made a short phone call and soon after about 6 or 7 other young guys showed up and together they beat up the policeman (he suffered a face fracture).

That is Berlin 2022.

Have a good one!

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