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Sunday, September 11, 2022

Alley eatery off Ba Cu on 9-11-22--Vung Tau copy

Tiny eatery fronting a house in an alley. There's a different dish each morning, with no schedule, but on Sunday, it's always rice vermicelli with grilled pork (bún thịt nướng). Since this requires two people, the lady can only make it on her son's day off from his job. Each dish has the same price, $1.28 (30,000 đồng).

Her sister is the server, or barista, if you will, at Cafe Ca Dao, and her brother is the parking attendant there.

Over the door is a message celebrating a wedding from who knows when.

This family was a theater troupe in Cambodia until 1974, when they were chased back to Vietnam during anti-Vietnamese violence that killed a bunch of people. The Cambodians were enraged the Vietnam War had spilled into their country and wrecking it, and this was before Pol Pot even took power.

The woman in photo is just a customer.

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