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Saturday, October 22, 2022

Eternal Baked Beans Underground

As published at SubStack, 10/22/22:

[from front page of CNN on 10/22/22]


Doesn’t sound too bad, considering the alternatives, and there’s the schadenfreude of knowing most of your enemies, and friends too, have died, with the latter never heeding your warning, year after year, to stock up on baked beans. Hell with Trader Joe’s. Bush’s is best, and you have one billion cans, at least.

Above ground, maybe Jesus has returned, but you’re not going to risk being irradiated with whatever the fuck it’s called, so the Lord best knock on your bunker’s door if he wants you to “fly, robin, fly,” a great song, unjustly forgotten. Heaven can wait.

It's weird, isn't it, the lack of outrage and panic at so many disasters converging?

After playing nice for +7 months, Russia has knocked out much of Ukraine’s energy infrastructure, but why it still allows Kiev’s airport to operate is a mystery. Preparing for a winter offensive, Putin has moved hundreds of thousands of soldiers towards Ukraine, in any case, with the West and Zelensky not at all interested in any ceasefire negotiation.

Like I said from the beginning, the Jews who orchestrated this war wanted as many Slavs massacred as possible, but a clarification is needed. They also want Europe destroyed, again, and so far, everything is going according to plan.

There is resistance in Europe, but protests are marred and diluted, as usual, with subgroups making conflicting demands, as time runs out.

Here are CNN’s three lead stories on Ukraine for 10/22/22, “Teacher tortured by Russians and held before returning to Ukraine in prisoner swap,” “First on CNN: Russian mercenary group constructs anti-tank fortification,” “France calls on UN to investigate whether Russia used Iranian drones in Ukraine.”

So Russia and Iran are evil, get it, the same message we’ve been fed for decades, but no word on the world’s most persistent destroyer of societies, murderer of civilians and torturer of countless who’ve been illegally snagged in its serial wars for death profiteers and/or Jews.

On CNN’s front page, there’s just one ad. Under an image of two pilots and next to the Ukrainian flag is this message:

Help us fight for freedom

Your donation means new military equipment. Your support means unity.

No, your donation means more needless deaths, and possibly your own.

Next to the ad is an article about some sexy blonde, “Kaia Gerber is spitting image of mother Cindy Crawford in Alaïa outfit.”

There’s bunch of other bullshitty articles to clutter your porn, sport and fake news stuffed mind, what’s left of it, then at the very bottom is this, ““Starve or freeze to death’: Millions of elderly Brits fear a grim choice this winter as costs spiral.”

Sanctioning Russian natural gas, Europe bought it any way, via China, so it paid much more for the same product, but now China is cutting off this lifeline, so of course, millions will freeze.

With food supplies purposedly destroyed, millions will also starve, so it’s not really a question or starving or freezing to death. Millions in the West will do both simultaneously.

The BBC, CNN, New York Times and Washington Post will perhaps list these as perishing from extra-long Covid.

In July, a Swedish reader advised me to tone down my “doomerism,” so good luck with that. One’s destruction is assured when it’s met with nonchalance, disdain, ignorance or just plain cowardice.

An American reader got rather heated in arguing against the existence of the atomic bomb, but whatever they used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki was apocalyptic enough, and they’re capable of much worse now, so let’s not get bogged down over nomenclature!

Though Jewjabbed, starved and/or frozen to death, make sure you don’t dox yourself, for you mustn’t be canceled before the next pageant-filled “election.” Your Jew-groomed savior is just around the corner!

If you’re nuked but not quite dead, baseball will start again in the spring, though with fewer teams, maybe just five or six in your area, since players will have to trek to away games by foot, with airplanes, buses, cars and even horses mostly gone. With almost no one left who can swing a bat, you too, radiation burnt and all, can become a major leaguer!

Deprived of busy sidewalks and actual faces, the alienated can only touch themselves, so don’t really care if their world, which is hardly real, ends tomorrow. Since they go months without a meaningful conversation, what does it matter if all voices are silent?

Looking at ordinary activities is soothing. I write from a place where it takes no effort to do so. Across a narrow street is a dingy yet lovely store that sells vegetables, pickled and fresh, and pig’s innards. There’s a woman in black and white striped pants that would be deemed tacky on a lesser body.

A woman I can’t see is teaching her little boy two new words, “pencil” and “ink pen.” Then, “Count, son! One, two, three, four! You count so well!”

It’s evening here, thus cool. Within fifty yards of me are dozens of eateries, all lit up, with most already filled with families. Most people eat reasonably well here, and it’s impossible to freeze, so that’s not too bad, is it? It could be infinitely worse, and was not that long ago.

Busy with this article, I skipped lunch, so will now reward myself with a nice dinner.

[Vung Tau, 10/21/22]

[Saigon, 10/16/22]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, well, as someone has said here before, this war is a fake war!
Remember, "We are all in it together"?
And you are right! "Everything is going according to plan!"
But again, VT is a nice place to stay. So enjoy the ride.
I am shopping for RV trailer now.
