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Sunday, October 23, 2022

Giovanni Gasparro's "Martirio di San Simonino da Trento" ["The Martyrdom of Saint Simon of Trent"]


lyle said...

We should never "turn our cheeks" or "forgive" these parasites.
Stop useing their "filthy lucre".
Everything they touch turns to ... (insert whatever sickens you).
Their darkness will end once and for all.
Starting in the year 2040, then a bigger hit in 2046.
In underground cities, built with our wealth and labour,
They will crouch in fear,comforted only by high tech virtualities.
The farmed child slaves will poison them with their own filth and depravity.
Then the BIG one in 2106 will bury and crush them,
Never to rise again.
We will be bathed in the light and start a new age.
The Earth will be renewed, afresh and cleansed.

Johan said...

I can't watch this video, unfortunately. The stated reason is:

"The parent channel of this video is unavailable at your location due to the following restrictions:
Contains Incitement to Hatred"

I'm in Norway, btw. But surely this applies to other countries too.

Bitchute sucks. They're the only ones I've ever seen doing this.

Anonymous said...

Wow. This painting is a small drop in the drip, drip, drip of hatred growing towards our financial overlords.
The abduction of a Palestinian computer programmer in Malaysia and his torture in a chalet in country might generate some payback.
Malaysians support the Palestinians and already feel no love for the Israelis.