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Tuesday, May 30, 2023

James Lindsay at European Parliament on 3/30/23


xlarry said...

thanks for posting, linh.
someone's finally putting the lunatic drug/sex addict sartre in his place (he gloats that 'violence is coming to europe' and that we can hand our countries over to the people of color and perhaps escape death!).
i know he couldn't actually do this in the eu parliament, but i wish the guy had mentioned the tribal/religious affiliation of the frankfort school, as well as marx and all the leadership of the russian revolution. i believe none of our present situation--largely thanks to marx--can be understood without understanding a) that it's run by jews and b) why they hate all non-jews. cheers,

Linh Dinh said...

Yo Dan,

I've been careful to point out that it's Jewish thinking I'm against, not biological Jews. A black, white, Arab or Vietnamese infected with Jewish thinking can also serve the righteously hateful Jewish ideology.


xlarry said...

hi linh,
i agree to a point. i do think people become 'judaized' in places like nyc, or the whole western world for that matter with its ever present jewish media rattling in everyone's brains--and most are obviously hapless and have no clue what's happening to them.
but jews created the talmud, rabbis faithfully teach this sickening filth to jews and nobody else, and the most powerful people on earth seem to start with the rothschilds, but include soros and many others. non-jews--or porported non-jews--may include eg rockefeller. the royal family is quite possibly crypto-jewish. apparently charles is good friends with schwab, and charles himself invented the term 'great reset'.
but, i really think no one but jews truly have 'jewish thinking'--at least not to the full, authentic extent. most people seem content to live and let live. not so the ashkanazis.
i've read so much on the tribe, yet still i'm a total outsider. anyway, those are my opinions more or less. cheers, man,