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Saturday, June 3, 2023

The death of Chicago, as seen from Australia:

Keely Chow

Don’t forget Houston.
During my interview with Kevin Barrett today, I talked about the increasing violence and chaos in American cities. Citing the crack epidemic of the 80's, Barrett said the murder rate was even worse back then. I pointed out other indicators of decay or barbarity, such as mob shopliftings, violence on buses and trains, cars plowing into store fronts during robberies, gangs smashing jewelry store glass cases as their owners look on, and homelessness on the rise everywhere. The US is in much worse shape than in the 80's. There was still a lot of wealth, confidence and optimism in the 80's.


Anonymous said...

I don't understand why Kevin Barret can't ever provide you with a working link to tour own interview.

Biff said...

The 1980’s was a paradise compared to today. What is not factored in is all the police state killings, swat raids, and forfeit asset seizures - AKA Jewish Thinking.