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Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Vietnamese-American woman robbed and killed in Atlanta on 8/26/23

Many Americans who still have connections to their ancestral countries will certainly flee, but they'll have to be decisive. Those who hesitate will be trapped or, like this woman, even killed. As I said in a comment at SubStack:
With cowardly, compromised or dishonest "dissidents," and fearful citizens who put all their trust into conmen, the US is finished. There is nothing left to save.

Already, there are internal refugees, with millions fleeing cities or states. Many have also gotten out. As this turns into a flood, countries will start to block US citizens from entering. I said years ago Mexico will need a border wall more than the USA, to keep Americans out.

Wrecking so many countries, the US has generated floods of refugees. They too had family obligations, homes and businesses which they had to abandon. Though America has waged economic war for decades against Venezuela, Americans are now annoyed to see Venezuelans flooding across their southern border.

In all public realms, idiocy and dishonesty rule. Regurgitating cliches and catch phrases, everyone dodges taboo topics and words, so nothing is solved.

As their situation worsens, Americans will become even more belligerent, towards each other and the world, so expect more chaos and violence ahead.


Gentleman Farmer said...

That is such a fine comment, perfect, and thank you, and sigh...

Anonymous said...

One hopes that he's wrong.

Lyle said...

If, citizens of the US of A want to flee, clean up your mess first.
Dis-mantle the apperatii that has poisoned the air the water the food.
The education system that has be-fuddled your thought processes, the
Pharmaceuticals that has crippled several generations of other-wise
Good people. You will need your weapons to do this perhaps, but you
are not the ones that have caused all this, you are the ones who have
to fix it. Safety third, cheers.