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Friday, November 24, 2023

Israeli children sing: "We will annihilate everyone" in Gaza, 11/19/23:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

While I appreciate the videos, I can't get past the way Ali Abunibah moved to cancel Gilad Atzmon (a jew, born in Israel, who served in the IDF, as you probably know) from the Palestinian movement ..


Gilad says some crazy things sometimes, but an anti-semite? Anyways, Ali (and Nora) seem to spend as much time "cleansing" their "intifada" of "anti-semites" as they do fighting for Palestinian rights. As Gilad would say, they are part of the controlled opposition.

By the way, isn't it odd how these problems always wind up becoming an argument among jews with everyone else sort of looking on, or that peace protests somehow have more impact when they are led by a "Jewish voice for peace" (which you can't join unless you are jewish) than a general antiwar movement?