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Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Vietjet plane on 12-13-23--Saigon copy

Tan Son Nhat. They keep talking about cutting down flights and even shutting down airports, but Orientals are flying more than ever, and building new airports. The one in Siem Reap has just opened. The one in Yogyakarta is only operating at 10% capacity, so many more passengers are anticipated.


Biff said...

Vietjet is currently my favorite airline. We use them extensively in and out of Chiang Rai - with a rating of “mostly on time, but not always”… What I like mostly though is that they “Leave you alone!”. Back in the U.S. the airlines keep badgering/demeaning you about your seat belt or smoking(will it ever die?) or drink carts or what ever the fuck the captain is doing at the moment. “Shut the fuck up and just get me there!” There’s more than one reason there is a lock on the cockpit door, and if a bus driver ever tried that shit he would’ve been out on the pavement in the first ten miles.

Linh Dinh said...

Yo Biff,

Some Greyhound bus drivers think they're comedians, and I've experienced two or three who were actually pretty good.
