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Friday, June 28, 2024

Assange an intelligence asset?


Anonymous said...

Whatever you say, Lloyd.

Anonymous said...

Are you fucking kidding me?!🤪😂

Biff said...

With the lie factory working overtime repeating shop-worn lies about Assange since his release, this seems to be the most persistent one.

Ron said...

I know it's hard for "Truthers" to get their heads around this but Dan Hicks is 100% correct. Assange's 9/11 denial (there are videos of this) and the fact he left solitary confinement looking all "plump" (fat ass and belly) are the "BIG" signs he was not in jail. In solitary confinement, you ge minimum calories (not nutrition) to keep you alive.

Ron said...

I know it's hard for "Truthers" to get their heads around this but Dan Hicks is 100% correct. Assange's 9/11 denial (there are videos of this) and the fact he left solitary confinement looking all "plump" (fat ass and belly) are the "BIG" signs he was not in prison and an intelligence asset. In solitary confinement, you get minimum calories (not nutrition) to keep you alive.