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Thursday, November 8, 2012

Burned by the ballot

Yesterday, I was on Russia Today's CrossTalk:

Was it worth going out to vote for the next American president? Has enough been done to avoid voter suppression? Does it actually matter who won? And is the Electoral College in the US democratic enough? CrossTalking with Linh Dinh, Ilya Shapiro and Neil Sroka.



Anonymous said...

Linh Dinh could not be more correct about the erosion of civil liberties, the expansion of the national security state and the destructiveness and criminality of U.S. foreign policy. Sroka has simply not read the legislation or followed the court cases and judicial rulings, and seems blind to the consequences of the Obama Administration's prosecution of whistleblowers. Nor is he realistic or honest about what our war on terror has done to others or to ourselves.

One does hope for a positive direction in the next four years, but that will require that Obama and his team have a collective epiphany, shed their fealty to Wall Street, the military industrial complex, and the energy industry and reverse course in our nation's conduct in the Middle East and elsewhere. Yet, given the disappointments and misplaced expectations of the past four years (notwithstanding Mr. Sroka's cheery optimism and spin to the contrary), it seems better to remain skeptical about the future, and steeled to expecting more limits on protest, additional misadventures in our foreign policy and continued weakness in the economy.

Swza said...

Where did they find those other two guests from, Leave It to Beaver? They displayed a mind blowing degree of naivete. Usually people are payed well to sit in front of a camera and say things so stupid and contradictory but it seemed like these two believed what they were saying.

Linh Dinh said...

Hi Swza,

Well, I'm just glad they had me on there. It's rare that a voice like mine gets any air time.

TruthShallSetUsFree said...

I want everyone to take a good look at Sroka's performance here because I don't think you'll be able to find a more telling display of the utter moral and intellectual bankruptcy of the Democratic Party and their operatives than this one.

Mr. Dinh presents facts about Obama's fascistic NDAA and extrajudicial assassination programs and all Mr. Sroka can do is alternate between a feigned incredulity and a condescending grin. Mr. Sroka knows exactly what Mr. Dinh is talking about but he pretends not to know. He pretends that Obama didn't sign legislation that allows for the indefinite military detention of American citizens based on nothing more than suspicion and the arbitrary power of the Reich. He pretends that Obama has not granted himself the kingly power to murder anybody he sees fit anytime, anywhere in the world, a power of absolute despotism. Mr. Obama has already exercised the second power in the murder of al-Awlaki and his son.

Mr. Sroka knows that these fascistic policies adopted by Obama, were they to be widely understood by the American people, would seriously jeopardize the legitimacy of Mr. Obama, the Democratic Party and the state itself, and this in turn would threaten his position within the Democratic Party's patronage network, and so he works overtime to give the impression that the 100% truthful and correct Mr. Dinh is just making it all up.

Mr. Sroka's fraudulence is further revealed when he attacks Mr. Dinh's claim that we don't live in anything like a representative democracy, and then later, after the host truth-checks him, agrees that we don't.

Mr. Sroka is a profoundly dishonest human being. Instead of being on the side of the people by telling them the truth, he proves himself to be just another hireling of the bourgeois state and the corporations that own and operate it.

P.S. Keep up the amazing work,Mr. Dinh. I discovered your blog through Counterpunch. For every one of your poignant photographs the criminals running this system need about a million words of propaganda. The poetry is very fine too.