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Tuesday, May 14, 2013





Anonymous said...

so what's the point of this set of photos?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this set of photos. I am going to understand them as a record of someone who LOVED their partner, and needed to keep telling the world that fact, when she was gone. From the photos, they looked like they enjoyed each other's company, had fun times, but maybe life wasn't always easy. I am not a hairdresser, but I know hairdressing is hard work; physically, you're on your feet all day, and leaning in awkward positions to cut people's hair, but the real hard work is the talk. My dad came to visit me in Scotland years ago and asked me why there were so many hair salons in my small town, and I had to tell him that it's because people in Scotland don't go to therapists, or counsellors, or psychologists. Well, most people in Scranton can't afford to do that either, so these two people had to give out a lot of caring along with their haircuts - and they must've looked at each other at the end of each day and thought 'Here is the person who loves me, as me, and not as my hairdresser.' That's what I'm guessing anyway.

Linh Dinh said...

Hi Anonymous,

It's not just this man's love for his wife that is remarkable, but his very public declaration of it, so that his shop has turned into a shrine to his dead wife. In my neighborhood, Philadelphia's Italian Market, there was a butcher shop that was left empty for decades, with all the tools left intact, because a woman couldn't bear to change a shop her father had worked in for so long. She did finally sell it, but not until she was herself very old.

Linh Dinh said...

Hi Anonymous,

Also, Scranton is the setting for the television series The Office, based on the BBC show of the same name. Though Scranton is depicted as a fairly miserable place in this TV show, and none of the episodes was shot on location, the locals are still very proud to have their city mentioned regularly on television.