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Monday, July 8, 2013

If China ruled

Russia Today, 7/7/13:

What would the world be like if China were a military super power? Would China engage in 'humanitarian interventions'? Would 'universal values' remain universal? And, how would the U.S. cope with such a world order? CrossTalking with Lianchao Han, Dan La Botz and Linh Dinh.



Anonymous said...

Excellent! Found you through RT. Very evocative blog. Thank you.

Linh Dinh said...

Thanks a lot! Do stop by from time to time. I update this blog all the time with photos and essays.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't trust China any more than i trust my own government with being a super power. All governments are susceptible to corruption and power trips that'll end up making them hated.

How many times has the Chinese engaged in Democide for example? And some statistics but the number of victims being over 70,000 since 1950. see: http://www.hawaii.edu/powerkills/20TH.HTM

Before 1950 the number was even higher: http://archipielagolibertad.org/upload/files/008%20Enemigos%20de%20la%20libertad/8.2%20Los%20crimenes%20del%20comunismo/0064%20Rummel%20-%20China's%20Bloody%20Century.pdf

I feel China becoming a world power will be far more of a plague than the American government has ever been.