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Tuesday, October 8, 2013



[Notes previously here have been incorporated into this poem.]



Uncle Buck said...

that's a great portrait of james. you can read all his troubles written on that face...

Anonymous said...

My compassion meter broke a long time ago and I have no interest in fixing it. Your photos of human garbage make me thankful for that. Compassion for these losers is for suckers. All self made misery. Too harsh? I do not care and would reply to folks who disagree with me that if you're 'compassionate', take these assholes into your own home. I doubt there will be many/any takers. I read your blog to see crappy examples of humanity and to avoid their disgusting habits. Human roadkill.



the DBQer said...

Richard if you ever get run over by a harsh life circumstance I hope you meet a Good Samaritan and not someone loveless like yourself. May Gid have mercy on us all.

richard said...

To DBQer..

I've been 'run over by harsh life circumstances' more than you've had hot breakfasts. Your koombiyah advice is garbage. I reject it. Keep it for your weak, communally-minded self. You have no idea who I am and the life circumstances that formed me. I stand on my own two feet and do not need 'Good Samaritans'. Perhaps you do. Not surprising given your tepid response. If you're not taking in the homeless and running a free soup kitchen, your advice is just so much finger wagging crap. People get what they deserve. Karma's a bitch. Etc. Deal with it. Also - learn how to spell God. It's only three letters, for Chrissakes.



Anonymous said...

hey Richard no problem you are what you are and we are who we are tepid and spineless shit yeah anything the likes of us try to say in response your personal experience of life just sounds lame stupid and ignorant there's no refuting your truth and your reality so be it
the Belgian poet Maeterlinck wrote 'everyday we meet rich and poor, ugly and beautiful, depraved and sublime, but we are always meeting ourselves' and that's how this kumbaya stupid fucking dumb bitch sees it