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Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Kids in front of Visitation Church--Kensington




Unknown said...

I assume the youth, as depicted in this picture, are an example of Americans to whom, come September, Pope Francis will make his most passionate appeals on behalf of love, reason, & repentance, while he visits Philadelphia.

As a 1950s kid, my late-father Charlie used to sing a catchy song, "You're in the Army now, you're not behind a plow... you'll never get rich by digging a ditch, you're in the Army now!"

The US is in the E.R. now.

Thank you for this shot, Linh!

three eyed goddess said...

what a lovely image of kids hanging out and doing stuff together
seems so quaint
great catch Mr. Dinh

Linh Dinh said...

Hi three eyed goddess,

That's the Visitation Church in background. In 2010, I visited a class at the Visitation School, so here are some Kensington kids inside that school.
