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Sunday, October 18, 2015


Battle of Leipzig reenactment--Markkleeberg

Historical reenactment of the 1813 Battle of Leipzig, which actually took place in Markkleeberg. Over three days, Napoleon lost about 80,000 men, and the German, Russian and Swedish alliance suffered 54,000 deaths, 22,000 of which were Russians. Ten minutes by foot from my apartment, there's a 1913 church to commemorate the Russian losses. This level or carnage was unprecedented and would not be seen again until World War I.



Swza said...

So the US isn't alone with it's sizable population of war reenacting super-dorks? I shouldn't talk. Ive recently started playing D&D. And look at the oceans of 'fantasy football' players out there.

Is that guy 7 ft tall?

Linh Dinh said...

Hi Swza,

The country with the tallest average height is the Netherlands, then Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Estonia, Finland and Germany. Basically, it's the Nordic race, or Herrenvolk in Nazi terminology. Though clearly white and with blonde hair, the Finns were somehow considered Asiatic until a century ago. All I know is the urinals in Germany are so high, they’re verboten to all the shorter members of the human family. Yo Antifa, where are you? Isn’t that Raccissmus?!


x larry said...

english have to be up there too, the giants. then again i'm 6'3. i was just today getting miffed at the pool about the urinals, granted on account of my 4 year old son who dribbles on the floor then down his pants.
i think the dorks, german, nordic, american are rather endearing. it's the realists of england that get on my tits mate