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Monday, October 5, 2015


With translation by Olliver Wichmann:

Woman: "What name do you want me to use for your e-mail address?"

Hitler: "Mine, of course: Adolf Hitler"

Woman: "Apologies for my question - but is that really your name?"

Hitler: "No, that's not my real name of course. In fact, my name is
Shmuel Rosenzweig!"

Woman: "Wow, that's awesome. "Shmuel" is cool. Is "Shmuel" written with
an "h"?

Hitler: "It - was - a - joke"

Screen: "Checking available names... - The Email address "adolf.hitler"
has already been taken."

Woman: "Adolf dot Hitler is gone."

Hitler: "What 'gone'!? Someone out there has my name!"

Woman: "Hmm... How about simply taking another name?"

Hitler: "You mean... like a pseudonym?

Woman: "Sort of"

Hitler: "Take 'The New Reich Chancellery'. I've always been fond of it.


Hitler: Say, who's in charge of it? Say, who's in charge of it? Now that there's no longer a Reich
ministry of propaganda

Woman: Nah, the net is running pretty much unregulated, my Fuehrer.

Hitler: Uh Huh.. This is good to know.


1 comment:

Beth said...

remove his mustache and he will look like Vladimir puton.