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Sunday, October 11, 2015


McDonald's ad--Leipzig

Thanks to Olliver Wichmann, botched translation is now corrected to, "DOESN'T SAVE THE WORLD. BUT YOUR LUNCH. NEW. THE McB. WITH 100% BIO-BEEF. I LOVE IT."



Olliver said...

The translation of the first sentence is not quite correct:

Though at first glance it may appear like an imperative (linguistically), it actually isn't. So it should be translated as:

Doesn't save the world. But your lunch [...]

This, by the way, is in fact a true statement, because the huge cattle farms in South America and elsewhere emit a substantial amount of methane. Methane has a life time of about 10-15 years in the atmosphere and is 34 times more effective a greenhouse gas as Carbon dioxide. One cow/bull alone releases approximately 150 - 250 litres of methane into the atmosphere and cattle accounts for 39% of the overall emission of methane in agriculture.

Of course you now could argue that there is no such thing as climate change, let alone global warming, but judging the overwhelming evidence and agreement of climate scientists all around the world (about 98 %) this discussion would be like questioning gravity, the age of the universe or evolution. Unfortunately a lot of people in the USA, thanks to the likes of Koch brothers or the entire fossil fuel industry who have been funding propaganda campaigns and "think tanks" (Orwellian newspeak), do deny this scientific fact. A contributing factor is certainly the appalling and dysfunctional public education system which I suspect is broken by design (because dumbed down people can easily be manipulated at will and do not cause trouble like challenging an existing social order).

Only in the US you will find people who argue that the earth could not be possibly older than 5,000 years or that evolution must be a hoax, because God created the earth and all the lifeforms on it. Only in the US you will find media outlets that make these ignorant statements part of a discussion, as if there were a controversy and the people arguing in favour for it experts on the scientific field they feel entitled to comment on, when in fact they have some fake degree from an unaccredited, private bible-college posing as an university and there is a wide consensus on global warming amongst real scientists.


Rudy said...

Hello Olliver,

"Only in the US you will find people who argue that the earth could not be possibly older than 5,000 years..."

According to his ex-wife this guy believes that the earth is 4,000 old.


His wife was dead serious when she told me that.

I actually talked to him once.