One more song for Léo Jarzabek to compose music for:
No love for Deutschland.
No love for anybody
Except Uncle Sam.
No sex for Germany.
Stop breeding, y’all.
Deutschland, über alles,
So say the un PC,
So say the refugees.
Germany above all, for
We must get to Germany.
Deutschland, stop sucking
Uncle Sam’s obnoxious missile.
You have more pride than that.
You’re Germany, über alles.
American drones fly from Ramstein.
Their victims’ blood stains your soul.
Sprouting missiles like porcupine quills,
You’re begging for death, Deutschland.
Germany, you must stop bending over
For the world’s greatest suicide bomber.
Going down, Sam will blow us all up.
Where did you go, Deutschland?
Germany is viewed as the post popular country - 60 favorable with 18 unfavorable; the US is 42-39, based on a BBC study.
This came after early 'negotiations' with EU debtors but before the Greek situation came dramatically to a head recently. The capacity to run up the score on Greece and Spain financially and still command respect and popularity comes from being allied financially and diplomatically with the US, and the people who have always made the decisions in Germany won't give that up.
The BBC study didn't include Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia - countries with leaders that have criticized US imperialism - nor Greece.
also from that poll:
* views of the US' influence have free fallen in Europe in the past two years, especially Germany and Spain, with reactions to the Assange and Snowden cases cited;
* France says they like Germany's influence more than Germany does itself;
* Spain has the most negative view of Germany's influence of any country polled;
* Germany has the lowest opinion of India, Brazil, and China than any country polled, and each is sinking sharply;
* Germany has a negative view of Japan's influence, which is peaking
I wish you were here to see how quickly the MSM let the Paris attacks & subsequent scare tactics die down in America just in time for the Black Friday buying binge.
I Like your lyrics and I am wondering if Leo might want to do a traditional oom-pah sound with the song. Just a thought.... he's the artist of course.
Among my favorite songs is Pink Floyd, "Wish you were here." This particular lyric seems to capture my home life with power and honesty, "We're just 2 lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year.... the same old fears, WISH YOU WERE HERE."
Thank you very much for the data, Ian; Europe's healthy reaction to the Assange and Snowden cases made me want to kick my old fins against the Taylor-aquarium wall!
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