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Tuesday, November 24, 2015


WE luv VOLKSTOD You say Deutschland we say die!--Leipzig

WE luv VOLKSTOD You say Deutschland we say die!--Leipzig (detail)

volkstod :
death of the nation.



Unknown said...

A troubling picture, thank you.

I just watched the Obama/Hollande press conference on our home telescreen. Very disappointing how the Gladio Coalition is unwilling to face its major contributions to creating & sustaining world terrorism. (sigh) They just about skipped over the fact that NATO "ally" Turkey shot down a Russian MIG and killed the pilot & announced a "wink-nod" commitment to stand strong against climate change.

Olliver said...

according to Russian media, Obama and Hollande did not skip the subject.

Obama was cited with the remark that "Turkey, like every country, has a right to defend its territory and its airspace":
Sputniknews - Turkey US Obama plane

RT reports that additionally "[b]oth Obama and Hollande urged caution after the incident, but reiterated their long-standing belief that Russia was not targeting Islamic State forces, but rather the 'moderate opposition' in Syria, which enjoys the support of Turkey and the US-led coalition.":
Russia Today - Hollande Obama ISIS terrorism

Which adds an interesting dimension to the conflict. The incident happened in the IS supply corridor on the Turkish border, so the mystical "moderate opposition" that, not unlike pink unicorns, nobody has ever seen can effect "regime change".

Further reading for the motives:

In the wake of the Paris attacks, the West has sought to leverage what it had hoped would be a renewed public will for expanded war abroad. To this end, the US and Turkey have announced an operation which it claims will secure the last 98 kilometers of the Turkish-Syrian border
New Eastern Outlook - Why the West won't hit ISIS where it hurts


Unknown said...


Thank you for the solid information. I wanted to vomit while watching Obama & Hollande speak earlier, and I marveled at how well how their global opium party is going. It's truly sad to see how Americans and much of the "civilized" west have relinquished its intellectual territory and moral airspace.

Mass addiction to "Bread & Circuses" along with daily promotion of a fear for losing such happiness at the hands of "Bar-Bars" has become quite an awesome weapon in the hands of the 1%.

Guten nachten... learned to say that in 11th grade German class.