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Wednesday, April 5, 2017

An appreciative reader writes:


Greetings from slightly bodacious Brown Hill Boise Town. I saw your interview with Chris Hedges on RT/ On Contact. I want more than the very best for you. I also want you to get bright, Einstein-Gandhi wisdom flashes about how much you speak to the heart and impact the minds of far more readers than you know. I didn't read the words on the pages of Postcards . . Instead, I saw you sitting beside me, like I felt your presence speaking into my right ear with Your Heart Self that called to mine. I am certain that it has happened to others more often and profoundly than you may believe. It is message sent equals message received through deep contact. Once under a blue moon, or maybe twice in a lifetime an author writes the sounds of consciousness and perfectly wings them straight into another mind that is stopped, opened, and changed. Coming to the last words of Postcards, it always comes --- the sadness, the loss. Oh damn the day. This book must not end. It just can't. Gawwdd, it's not fair. Your words are electric truth arrows with the sharpest tips. Each one is shot straight on target by a Spirit Writer whose bow seems always ready to let loose the next feathered shafts of caring.

Do not stop. I am asking you heart to heart to not ever stop. I don't care if this country is broken, stripped, raped, and sucked of all its life blood and will to live, or if it is chopped down to a Banana Republic carcass and flushed through sewers as near death sewage. Do not stop Your Great Good Giving Heart. There is such a thing as heart arrows as well as mind arrows. Do not stop your wisdom truth and Linh Dinh Buddha compassion perfuming the air to entice new rains coming to nourish the Renaissance in collective consciousness desperately needing liquid light from above. America to Amerika to Gulag to shattered pieces of what could have been, what should have been ---------- it does not matter. Keep lighting your candles in the storms.

Most of all, continue because you are a national treasure. You might as well face it straight on. Get this deep and good. More than that, you are a World Treasure. Get this deeper and better. You simply must reflect at your core. Do a solo vision quest for 3-4 days and nights alone in a high place overlooking a wide valley. Visit a real deal shaman. Stay with him in a sweat lodge long enough to get this deepest and best. Your Soul Self comes through your words. Your Essence Self speaks to The Inner Self of more of us than you know. Self to Self, Soul to Soul, Heart to Heart, Mind to Mind is when CONTENT OF CONSCIOUSNESS is best shared through electric living words on the page. If we could measure intention vibrations sent and the exponential changes resonating throughout the brains of those who receive, we would be blown away. We'd get into a John Denver Rocky Mountain Natural High in Colorado expansive enough to never bring us down. We would see "sunshine on my shoulders" all the time. I am talking about critical mass in awareness leading to a chain reaction in individual awakening strong enough to generate an accelerated evolution of collective consciousness. If we could just once see what vibes really do to others, we would shit can all the negative crap and reprogram it to Vibe Power Out through an opened heart chakra and open the third eye chakra to pump out some serious light on Light on LIGHT Laser Good. We would light our little candles in any and every raging hurricane. We would plant thought seeds in world class fashion every time. We would out Budd Big Budd(ha).

Dude, you are a thought seed farmer. Keep planting, but you have to do it until your last breath and even beyond. The world needs you to get ridiculously insanely Rambo healthier. You gotta' crank out at least 30 more years of words. Checking out too soon for any understandable reason is not allowed. Karma dare not catch you in a flame out or a burn out. It ain't permitted. Dude, you no longer have a fate. You have a destiny that you have chosen. More Kindred Spirits will find you. More Soul Family Spirit Champions will walk with you. Quantum physics forces will lift you up again and again. Energy fields of protection will surround your aura. Dude, you gots ta' prevail for the longest haul. I see it like this: Every being in the universe with only a slight difference in style is on exactly the same journey, . . . the long night's journey into day. Thank you for being on this planet. Thank you for speaking straight from the guts of the gulag.

Power on. Love on. Peace on. Truck on. Smart on. Wisdom on. And Om on. I send my very best wishes and hopes for you and my highest regard for your work.

Ken Smith the Pisces Guy, the Rooster Guy born in 1945, but now hangin' hard in Brown Hill Boise Town



Rudy said...

I would be enormously proud to have written those words.

Linh Dinh said...

Hi Rudy,

It's a counterbalance to readers who tell me I should go back to Hanoi or hunt dogs on the streets!


swindled said...

I really enjoyed Love Like Hate and plan to read Blood Soap (title?) at some point. I remember it ended with the young woman after leaving the hotel disappearing into the swarm of pedestrians on the Saigon street. I think in a way it sorts of ends for all of us that way, just swallowed up ...

Anonymous said...

Gratitude to appreciative reader Ken Smith from Brown Hill Boise and his heart-felt words. I'll soon be reading your latest book by a campfire to young rewilders in Oregon and Nevada who are trying to find a life of fulfillment and meaning replanting wild foods in ravaged lands. It's a hard living and dangerous. They're going to feel that heart of yours too and bask in the light of your earned wisdom.
Thank you. It's true - you couldn't ever know how much we love you. You have set us free.