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Monday, November 2, 2020


Mleeta Landmark on 11-1-20--Mleeta

"I never thought I would see this day, when the state and army of Israel, described by its enemies and friends as the unbeatable army, is forced to flee in the face of an Arab party. What happened? How do things like this happen? A few hundred Hezbollah fighters force the strongest state in the Middle East to withdraw in this despondent way? We have always proven to the Arabs that they better not try to force us to offer concessions by force, because in the end they will be the ones who will offer concessions. Yet Hezbollah proved that there are Arabs of a different kind."

Yitzhak Shamir, former Israeli Prime Minister
On Israel's second withdrawal from Lebanon
in 2000 Interview with Radio Arutz Sheva



craig dudley said...

i'm always pleased when i see the zionists in any defeat. they've earned so many more than they've so far encountered but hezbollah gives me hope every day that they'll ultimately meet the degraded end they've earned. good to see you presenting more of the reality we aren't shown here in the empire.

Linh Dinh said...

Hi Craig,

Many Jews in Israel have been careful to maintain a second passport, so when things get too hot there, they'll flee from their Jewish homeland. Their soldiers won't do much fighting either. Israel's end is near, I feel, and that's the best news for the rest of humanity.


xlarry said...

great stuff linh, thank you!