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Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Kyle Le's "His Only Dream Was to Watch TV":

[Note: It's a story of a New Jersey man's return to his native Vietnam, with jarring juxtapositions between impoverished rural Vietnam and comfortable suburban New Jersey. Since his father left the family to be with another woman, he has a stepmother and step siblings, then in the USA, he was adopted, so he has an American adopted family. Only with his adopted parents did he receive love and structure to shape his life. What he does for a living is only revealed at the very end, for a few seconds, a brilliant touch by director Kyle Le. With food a major theme, there are many scenes of people eating together.]


Biff said...

Very good, but I never caught what he did for a living.. Maybe there was a subtle hint somewhere?

Linh Dinh said...

He's a UPS driver.