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Thursday, March 21, 2024

Who's Really Behind The Great Reset (Not WEF) w/Ivor Cummins [3/20/24]


Anonymous said...

I saw my first microchip in 1973 at Sears in a calculator. In 1982 I worked on military gear from 1955 which contained microchips. Tech is 20 yrs ahead of consumer products. The fancy iphone you have was designed in 2004.
When they cloned Dolly the sheep I knew that 20 years prior they were cloning copies of billionaires, keeping then in drug-induced comas, feeding them with tubes, and cutting heart valves, corneas, kidneys, and such for rejection-proof parts for guys like kissinger, pelosi, and gates. The tens of thousands of missing kids are being ground up for designer drugs and life-extending enzymes. The worst shit you can imagine does not even scratch the surface of what is really being done.

Linh Dinh said...

I'd like to learn more. Please email me at linhdinh99@yahoo.com Thanks!--Linh

Lyle said...

The following link will answer the matter of "clones".
It might also answer the question of the posted video.