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Sunday, September 10, 2017

"Strage di Barcellona, la testimonianza del papà di Bruno Gulotta"

"Barcelona Massacre, the testimony of Bruno Gulotta's father," delivered a day after his son's death:

Another preposterous performance from a crisis actor.

YouTube has been deleting unapproved videos, so who knows how long this will be up, but there are comments here after Umberto Gulotta’s testimony.

A typical response, “Se mio padre parlasse così di me morto lo aspetterei nell’aldilà e gli farei il culo.” ["If my father spoke like this about me dead, I would wait for him in the beyond and turn him into an asshole."]

Another, “ma chi cazzo é questo merdone che legge un copione con la coda dell occhio??? parla come uno che ha perso un mazzo di chiavi piuttosto che un figlio…. freddo… idiota e nemmeno sa recitare. ho visto nella mia vita persone che soffrivano di più nell aver perso un pesce rosso. falsoneeeeeeee” ["but who the fuck is this piece of shit that reads from a script from the corner of his eye??? he talks like he has lost a bunch of keys instead of his son.... cold... idiotic and can't even recite. i've seen in my life people who suffered more having lost a goldfish. faaaaaalse"]


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