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Friday, December 21, 2018

Although I had to start my work day at 7AM,

I stayed up until 3AM to deal with the accusations against me. My lynch mob is most active on Twitter and FaceBook, two mind-controlling platforms I don't participate in. To mess with public perception, FaceBook even delete "likes" after articles, and I know this because they've done it to all mine, a fact I innocently attributed to a "dislike" button, which people finally told me didn't even exist.

In any case, since I'm being convicted in public, I will defend myself in public, but only in my articles and at my blog. Here are two emails from a few hours ago:

Hi Kent [Johnson],

Jewish power is not just the Zionist state, or even Zionism. It is what it is, the abilities of powerful Jews to mass murder endlessly and wreck entire countries, most often with US tax money and soldiers. By being revolted, I'm acting sanely.

As for black crime, every American knows about this, and lives accordingly. More than a century ago, W.E.B. DuBois wrote, "There is a widespread feeling that something is wrong with a race that is responsible for so much crime, and that strong remedies are called for." Since this is a very complicated issue, I've written thousands of words about it, but my critics don't refute or dissect me, but immediately brand me a racist as they quote a sentence here and there.

I've always chosen my words very carefully, Kent, so I stand by everything I say, and if you find the below passage abhorent, for example, then write a refutation of it, but to join the lynch mob and call me a racist is no way to act as a true intellectual.

"In every field besides sports, entertainment and politics, blacks are failing spectacularly against all other races, a fact readily admitted to by blacks and black apologists themselves as evidence of America’s racism and oppression of blacks. America is racist, but so is every other country and person, for racism, at core, is merely an extension and manifestation of innate self-love. One loves oneself, family then nation, which is made up of those that share one’s language, above all, as well as culture and history, if not also a physical similarity.

Loving oneself and kind doesn’t mean having a right to violate anybody else, obviously, and if one favors another race over one’s own, then that, too, is racism. No one is color blind."



[to an editor]

I don't doubt you believe you're being principled, but I'm just as principled, and that's why I'm standing behind what I've written, and I'm convinced I'm morally correct in identifying the insanely murderous Jewish power. Since nearly all American poets are in universities, they may not realize how complicit they are in the brainwashing of Americans, or how brainwashed they themselves are. OK, I must run and be a foreman in my brother in law's plastic recycling plant. I've been willing to give up everything to say exactly what I believe, so I will defend each word, and those who disagree with me should dissect and refute me and not join a name calling lynch mob.


1 comment:

Rudy said...

"Jewish power [JP] is not just the Zionist state, or even Zionism."

Precisely. How many of the un-chosen, Christians for example, would be clamoring for the existence of a Jewish state if no Jews were doing so? Zionism is a manifestation of Jewish power.

The notion of a Jewish state, a homeland for all Jews, enhances tribal cohesion of its members worldwide.

Also, in service to the MOPS [Brian Wright] (Men Of the Power Sickness - the controllers of the JP agenda), the Jewish state diverts attention of the un-chosen away from the JP program to establish global domination.