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Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Low End Soccer, Genetics and Fascist Behavior

As published at Unz Review and TruthSeeker, 12/20/18:

Beating Malaysia, Vietnam has just been crowned the soccer champion of Southeast Asia. With its short men boasting negligible muscles, this corner of the world is not known for its athletic prowess, so the world took no notice of this prize, understandably. Champion Vietnam is only ranked 100 by FIFA, but it took considerable effort just to be bad, and I’m not slinging Ebonics here. “We’re number 100!!!”

Discussing the Malaysian team, a Vietnamese article stated that “they’re so black and strong.” Frankly racist, this observation is amply confirmed by most athletic contests, at least those that don’t require snow or a broom. Besides its darker-skinned Indians, Malaysia also had a Gambian, Mohamadou Sumareh, who had been naturalized after five years in the country, and it’s no surprise that the blackest man on the pitch was the best built and imposing.

The tallest, though, was the Vietnamese goalkeeper, Đặng Văn Lâm, whose birth name is actually Lev Shonovich Dang, for he was born in Moscow to a Vietnamese father and Russian mother. Though Lâm only returned to Vietnam to live at age 17, he speaks Vietnamese comfortably. This hasn’t stopped fans from calling him Lâm Tây [Western Lâm]. After the victory, the affable 25-year-old asked that this be changed to Lâm Ta [Vietnamese Lâm or Our Lâm].

The fact that Malaysia had an imported Gambian was seen by some Vietnamese fans as a bit unfair, but consider the case of Liu Ja. China-born, this table tennis player came to Austria at age 17, and was granted citizenship just 11 months later, in time to represent Austria at the 1998 European Youth Championships, where she won three golds.

Watching an Olympic ping pong match, one often sees China-born Chinese competing against other China-born Chinese, but representing any number of countries, so Zhen “Eugene” Wang vs. Ahmet Li is Canada vs. Turkey, Xue Li vs. Jie Li is France vs. Netherlands, Xia Lian Ni vs. Feng Tian Wei is Luxembourg vs. Singapore, Zhiwen “Juanito” He vs. Zengyi Wang is Spain vs. Poland, etc. (If I was Mr. He, I would not take kindly to be called Juanito, but at least it’s not Chinito, and grandpa was already 54-years-young in Rio de Janeiro.) You also have the Vanuatuan Yoshua Shing, Qatari Ping Li, Dutch Jiao Li, German Ying Han, Portuguese Fu Yu, Polish Qian Li, Ukrainian Lei Kou, Congolese Xing Han and so on. Yes, Chinese are everywhere, and I’m not talking about Chinese immigration here, but merely pointing out how malleable the concept of citizenship has become.

The United States used to have much more stringent citizenship requirements, for which it was praised in a 1925 book, “At present there exists one State which manifests at least some modest attempts that show a better appreciation of how things ought to be done in this matter. It is not, however, in our model German Republic but in the U.S.A. that efforts are made to conform at least partly to the counsels of commonsense. By refusing immigrants to enter there if they are in a bad state of health, and by excluding certain races from the right to become naturalized as citizens, they have begun to introduce principles similar to those on which we wish to ground the People’s State.” Oops, it’s Adolf Hitler speaking, so tight border control is definitely Fascism!

Even half Germans can play pretty good soccer, though. Before meeting Malaysia, Vietnam beat Philippines, a team with players named Straus, Schrock, Mulders, Reichelt, Steuble and Ott, as well as half Aryan Etheridge, Falkesgaard, Woodland, Palla, Ramsay, Reed and Younghusband. Some with a Filipino-sounding name also turned out to be non-native. Murga and Silva are half Spanish and born in Spain, and Ingreso was hatched in Hamburg to a German mother. On the pitch, most of the Filipino players didn’t even look half, but completely white.

With their mostly half-white roster, one can conclude that Filipinos themselves have decided, inescapably, that white genes improve their soccer competitiveness, though not enough, for now, to defeat the very yellow Vietnamese team. Philippines has been ranked as low as 195 (in 2006), astounding for a country of 105 million.

Basketball, not soccer, is the Philippines’ favorite sport, however, and on their national team, there have been a few black Americans, such as 6-11 center Marcus Douthit. Even third-rate black B-ballers can become stars in Europe and Asia, so Douthit, even at age 38, is employed as the starting center for the Hanoi Buffaloes, for there aren’t any 6-11 Vietnamese guys out there, much less one with those long legs, arms and musculature.

Many whites have gotten in trouble for pointing out the obvious advantages blacks generally have over whites in most sports. In 1993, Dale Lick’s candidacy for president of Michigan State University was torpedoed when these statements, made four years earlier, were revealed:

A black athlete can actually outjump a white athlete on the average, so they’re better at the game [of basketball]. All you need to do is turn to the NCAA playoffs in basketball to see that the bulk of the players on those outstanding teams are black.

The same is true for football. The muscle structure of the black athlete typically is more suited for certain positions in football and basketball.

Well, this yellow man has no problems admitting that your average black American teenager can outrun, outjump, outslam and outjizz 99% of Vietnamese men, and there’s no shame in this, for we all have different gifts. Plus, athletic abilities don’t necessarily equate to a successful life or society.

One of the Vietnamese names for the United States is Hiệp Chủng Quốc, Nation of Many Races, and though this country has had the best and most sustained opportunity to observe racial differences, Americans are terrified to talk about them in polite company, for to do so is to be immediately branded as a racist.

If breeding a Vietnamese with a Russian gives Vietnam its tallest, most commanding and best goalie, and coupling Filipinas with whites yields most of the Philippines’ soccer team, one can reasonably conclude that, as far as soccer goes, white genetics are superior to Southeast Asian ones, and this is perennially corroborated by FIFA rankings, and the fact that no Southeast Asian team has ever made the World Cup.

Despite all contrary evidences, there is an increasingly militant belief, among certain people, that there are no racial or even sexual differences, so for discussing black crime and black dysfunction, I’m being branded all over the internet as a hater of blacks and a racist, and for pointing out that a man wearing a dress is still a man, since he still has a penis, I’m marked as a homophobe and transphobe, and for raging against Jewish power, which has killed millions, destroyed several countries, deformed many others and is the greatest threat to world peace right now, I’m tarred and feathered as an anti-Semite. Worst, I’ve committed the unforgivable sin for questioning the official version of the Holocaust, so I’m just a “Nazi shit” and a “Fascist,” though I’ve spent much of my writing career condemning state power.

Instead of debating me, my enemies are simply calling me names, with some contacting my publishers to harass them into ceasing the publication of my books, so who are the Fascists here? Sickeningly, this is what America has become, a nation of too many totalitarian-minded sheep who don’t even know they’re being manipulated into destroying their own country.



Pete said...

Another American expat once suggested "don't try to change society, you will lose. Focus on yourself, read much and laugh freely"
once you've seen 'the Matrix' there is no going back to a happier time. Modern America, the result of decades of state mandated diversity, multiculturalism, feminism, queer rights, and state welfarism (amongst other things) is too far gone for a return to sanity. The main stream media (happily) appears still befogged while it continues losing to alternative media.
I don't know how strong a grip state media and mainstream news must have in a country such as Vietnamese, though I would imagine it will be propaganda heavy.
Do Vietnamese question state sanctioned media outlets? Or does Vietnam have a relatively 'free press'?
Ironically, in America we have freedom to write, publish and read (sort of) whatever we like. Modern Americans, however, appear increasingly disinterested.

Linh Dinh said...

Hi Pete,

Vietnam has no free press, and many bloggers are actually jailed. That said, common sense still prevails here, so the truth is actually more alive than in the "free" West. When I tell people here about some of the West's new dogmas, they howl in disbelief, amusement or digust.


grimychaz said...

America "is a set of lies agreed upon." Only those comfortable living those lies find happiness there. Continued balkanization actually "perfects" The Borg's mindset.

Pete said...

I believe we are (in the USA) not far from incarcerating people for expressing 'wrong' opinions. Punishing people for hate speech, whatever that is, is fast becoming acceptable on college campuses and the media. Whatever starts on the college campus will end up in the real world.
i have a strong feeling the next Potus will be a woman and she will recommend a bill criminalizing all sorts of language. Woman, of course, being more totalitarian and controlling than men won't have a problem with this much.
merry Christmas everyone.