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Saturday, December 15, 2018

Responding to my "A More Colorful, Diluted and Dying Japan,"

Priss Factor writes a Unz Review:

Communism may have been a blessing in disguise for Asia in the long run.

As terrible as it was, it shielded parts from Asia from the Sickness of the West that put things and ideas above humans. Today, there is healthier national cultures in Eastern former communist Europe than in the West. And once-communist Asian nations are saner than Asian Tigers that are now Asian Pandas that are unable to breed.

Communism was tyrannical and brutal. But it did inculcate generations of Asians with respect for Labor, at least ideologically. Also, the economic lag of communist nations meant that many people had no choice but to work as laborers. Mao saw Confucianism as effete and fancy-poo. It favored elite status over honest work. Capitalist Asia deviated from Confucianism in honoring the merchant, but it became all about status and privilege. Thus, honest labor came to be denigrated. Japanese called honest labor ‘dirty, dangerous, and demeaning’, and this mentality came to be shared by Taiwan, S. Korea, Singapore, and etc. Bad stuff. So, many Asians in JTSSK — Japan-Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea — only want to marry ‘quality’ people and have ‘quality’ kids. They’d rather have no kids or even commit suicide than do ‘dirty work’ or have ‘loser kids’. All these nations would probably be better if they underwent 10 yrs of Maoism(though without the utter craziness of Great Leap and Cult Revolution). In China, it was one-child policy that cratered birthrates. In JTSSK, it was the decision of free individuals. Granted, the affluent class in China now have pretty much the same attitude. Status and matter over life and soul. Things have been made much worse by capitalist-feminism. Communist-feminism was morally sounder. While it called for equality among men and women, it was as comrades and equal partners. In contrast, capitalist feminism is about women seeking money and status to settle for only ‘best’ men. It is anti-equality. In capitalist Asian nations, feminist-types are finicky and snotty. They are not like virtuous comrade womenfolk in communist nations or Kurosawa movies. Capitalist feminism is esp bad for Asian men because, while asian women have high sexual global market value, Asian men have the lowest. So, once Asian women begin to think globally, they want to move up to ‘upper-races’. Just like lower-class wants to move to middle-class, and middle-class wants to move up to upper-class, many Asians are wanna-be-whites and want to move into upper-race by plastic surgery, taking on western names, or having kids with whites. (Problem with lower class blacks is they want to move up to upper class while bypassing the middle class.) No wonder soyboys are turning into pandas. Since Asian men know they cannot win in manly competitions in sports, they now try to gain fame by being girly-men. Look at all those j-pop and k-pop soyboy pooter-boys.

Also, smaller families aren’t good for a nation like Japan. Japanese are naturally reticent and shy. So, they are not good at socializing with strangers(unless they happen to be drunks who wanna share drink with fellow drunk Dinh). They don’t have ‘game’. So, it was beneficial for Japanese in the past to have aunts, uncles, cousins, and etc. because such kinfolk network provided some semblance of community and could also introduce them to possible mates for marriage. But with so many young Japanese being ‘only child’-ren of parents who were also only-child-ren, they feel more isolated than ever.

Also, electronic media and pop culture make things worse. Prior to TV and such stuff, most people experienced culture through family, relatives, friends, or meeting others in public places, like a Kabuki theater. Unless people interacted with others on a direct level, they were lonely as hell. Cultural life meant having a family and the drama of family life… as shown in Yasujiro Ozu films. Family Life was once culture.
Now, cinema also had an alienating effect, but you had to go to the movies. At home, your main cultural life was spending time with others, talking, and discussing and etc. Also, at least you meet other people at the cinema. In contrast, the TV was always with you in the home. And in time, even kids got their own TV. So, even when the family was together at home, they’d all be watching the TV or different programs on different TV instead of interacting with one another. TV became the culture. As most of TV is trash, trash became the culture. But it was fun and escapist.

Since TV create the impression of life, interaction, fun, meaning, and whatever, even people without families no longer need be lonely and seek out people to interact with. There are all these ‘idealized’ characters on TV. They could be like your surrogate family. Esp as Soap Opera became huge in Asia, entire peoples, esp women, lived their lives through soap opera characters. They became more concerned and involved with fantasy figures than with real life. Also, because TV featured all these characters who were better looking and more affluent, that became the ideal for so many people and they were unwilling to settle for the Less of reality where most people are not so pretty, cool, or glamorous. TV was totally phony, but one could lose oneself in its fantasy that seemed better than reality. Also, TV ran 24/7, so even a person living alone could also feel that he or she was part of something.

Also, modern Asia practices a kind of debased Confucianism that fused status-obsession with crass materialism and greed. At the very least, original Confucianism wasn’t just about social success. To gain respect, one had to possess a certain sensibility, understanding, manners, and tastes. Status didn’t necessarily mean economic success. It was tied to meaning.
But in modern Asia, status is mostly about some job associated with consumerism and profits. So, shallow fools who design video games and rake in millions are admired. K-pop vulgarians are honored for raking in billions. So, money is king. Status is all about money, money, money.
And this means a mindless culture of celebrity and worship of Mammon. So, it doesn’t matter that a certain person gained success in association with crap like dumb pop culture or video games. He is to be respected because he made lots of money. Confucianism used to restrain such trashiness, but no longer. Granted, Confucianism also repressed lots of positive energies and individuality, but its beneficial effect was repressing the logic of merchantism where profit is king and money is all that counts. Communism was anti-Confucian but its moral emphasis did have a restraining effect on the trashy logic of consumerism. Compare Hong Kong cinema and Mainland Chinese cinema of the 1980s. Hong Kong produced many superb film talents but most movies were about silly stuff with guns and fast cars. In contrast, the main themes of Mainland Chinese films was humanism and search for meaning. Mainlanders were making the kind of movies made by Kurosawa and Kobayashi and Mizoguchi in the 50s. Moral ideology, be it the Church or Confucianism or Communism, can hold back freedom and talent, but when a society not only allows uninhibited freedom but celebrates its trashiest products, the effect is soul-destroying. And when souls go, so do bodies. In the case, soulless bodies no longer produce bodies. In the case of soulless blacks, bodies produce bodies but only to rap and ‘twerk’.

Mishima saw the danger of modern consumerism(as did Pasolini from the left). But he also embodied what was ailing modern Japan. As a homo, he was an extreme egotist and seeking of vanity. Though a patriot and nationalist and an artist, he also wallowed in much nonsense, and his ultra-aestheticism was anti-humanist. In this, he had much in common with so many gay-ish Japanese idols and idiots who dominate the TV and movie screens.

Speaking of idols, Japan also fouled up by losing control of its national idols.

Stupidly, Japanese internationalized sumo, a sacred sport of the Japanese. Japanese are not a big people, and if foreigners are allowed in, the result is the rise of someone like the Hawaiian Akeboner. And then, the Mongols and totally dominated the sport. Sumo isn’t just any sport. It is a cultural and sacred sport, but Japanese let foreigners take over. And Japanese are also nuts about mixed-martial arts fights where mostly blacks and white guys beat up each other when not beating up on runty Japanese. So, Japanese lost all male pride, and Japanese women are now going not only with whites but Iranians and Negroes, and of course, these mixed-race kids come to win in sports. When a people lose their own idol value in their own nation, they become demoralized, deracinated, and wussy. Look at the impact of Negroes on France and UK. With Negroes dominating so many sports and humping so many white women, white guys there are now cucks. And rise of black idols in UK and France has also led to retro-fitting classic white heroes as blacks: Lancelot and Achilles. And there is talk of turning 007 into a Negro. It’s going from Lloyd’s of London to Groids of London.

This is why Lin Dinh must warn his Viet compatriots as Viets are even smaller runts than the pitiful Japanese. What is Vietnam doing by allowing ‘gay pride’ parades? Did Viets fight and defend their own nation to be taken over by Globo-homo imperialism? Viets should take pride in being the only Asians who won on their own.

Japan lost to US. Korea was always the toy of other powers. China gained independence, but it was the US that defeated Japan. In contrast, Viets beat the French, drove out the Americans, rolled back the Chinese, and subjugated the unruly Cambodians. A very tragic history but real triumph too. Vietnam needs to use markets and freedom to make progress, but if it loses the central themes of nationalism and history and heritage, it will go the way of JSSKT, all of which suck so bad.



grimychaz said...

I like this writer. Give us more! Also, Vietnam will def go the way of the gaysian materialist cuntreez. Sad but true. Over the years, I've seen how the "Vietnamese Idol" type shows have changed by eating at this well-loved chicken noodle soup joint in the back of a rancid strip mall. Owners are conservative Catholics who plan on leaving the USA with their fortune in five years to go back home, but based on the TeeVee, I'm afraid their cuntree is rapidly westernizing. Mammon wins for awhile but then gets its cosmic comeuppance.

Max von Schuler-Kobayashi said...

I really like your comments on Japan. Actually, I think future hardship will improve Japan, although many present day Japanese are very apprehensive. As for myself, I am quite optomistic.