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Friday, March 29, 2019


Cat meat dishes--Krong Buk

Mr. Long, 44-years-old, works at our plastic recycling plant. He had this cat for about a year, but it never caught any mouse, so he decided to slaughter it. He had a handful of people from the recycling plant over to eat his cat. I brought the Saigon Beer.



Ian Keenan said...

I love how you can walk through a US Chinatown and not worry about dog poop on the street. No one walks the poodle down from Northern Liberties, if you're hired to walk Fido in Tribeca you don't want to explain to the owner that it got lost on Canal Street and it's probably hanging from a hook.

Linh Dinh said...

Yo Ian,

The only time I ever saw dog meat in the West was in a Vietnamese supermaket in a very hidden corner of Berlin. Of course, it wasn't labeled "Hundefleisch." In other words, it's safe to eat in Chinatown. Plus, dog meat is very distintive, so you can't pass it off as chicken, pork, beef or even goat, which is the closest to it.
