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Saturday, September 21, 2019

At Unz,

Pissedoffalese comments after my latest:

Mr. Dihn,

Saw the same thing in Belize. All the stores and restaurants (most of them) were owned by Chinese, so the Negros got mad at them, robbed and murdered them (a pregnant lady right down the street from me for $50!), so the Chinese shut the country down by all shutting up shop and going to the funeral. Repeatedly. Over and over and over.

Chinese were kinda dumb tho’. Shop guy down the street obtained a hard-to-get weapon permit (after about the 4th robbery), little tiny guy they called “El Cachete” because he had a huge growth on his face (means “The Cheek” in Spanish). He took to conspicuously showing it in his waistband, so a big bunch of said Negros beat him over the head with a pole and stole his pistol. Dumbass. I woulda had a shotgun under the counter and blown their knees off.

After one such robbery, about a hundred Chinese jumped in a few trucks and chased the bastards down and won, I think, that time.

Weird, but when it rains, the Chinese close their shops and only let you buy thru’ the burglar bars. Apparently, rain is when they all come out.

The Chinese could shut that fucking country DOWN by just not opening their stores. The Hindus (electronics), Hispanics (fruit stands), and Whites (restaurants) could not make up for the loss because the Chinese own ALL the grocery stores. I have NEVER seen ONE black-operated business in Belize. I was there for six years and traveled all over the place. Shithole.


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