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Tuesday, February 18, 2020


Boy leading water buffalo while looking at smart phone--Si Ma Cai



Gary said...

THIS is a great photo! In the more rural areas do you change your approach on how and when you take photos?

Linh Dinh said...

Hi Gary,


No, I use the same bag of tricks wherever I go. With this photo, I had taken a similar one a day earlier, but that one had a young man, and he wasn't looking at a cellphone.

It didn't take me long to realize buffaloes could be seen walking down the streets here. Yesterday, I was on the sidewalk when I saw a young boy and an old woman walking towards me. I was undecided about whether to take their photo, until I saw the boy looking at this cellphone. Since I wanted the stores as backdrop, I had to rush across the street and quickly set my shutter speed and aperture. I also had to make sure I was back far enough to get him and the buffalo in one frame. As he walked into the frame, I took several shots, then chose this one.
