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Friday, May 22, 2020

Linh Dinh reading in Busan, South Korea on 5/22/20:


Some of the poems read are available online: "To Flee Conjugation," "Eating Fried Chicken," "The Most Beautiful Word," "Brand New Products" and "Fish Eyes."



Rudy said...


I got as far as "I suck. I just suck".

At that I started laughing so hard I had to pause the thing. It's still paused as I write this.

I wasn't really listening, because I'm now very hard of hearing. I should probably start using deaf instead of hard of hearing - yes it's that bad. Fortunately the video has 'cc'. I don't know how cc works, but I'm glad you do.

Yesterday I tried to buy some shoes; the ones I'm wearing are 6 year old. The sole on each is disconnecting itself. Otherwise they're fine. In the new age - for me that began sometime around 1960 - they started gluing things like shoes together, instead of sewing them properly. The shoe shop was door locked, despite the open sign that glowed red brightly. The sign stuck to the door said "Call in orders to be delivered at the curbside only." Wondering whether I could convince the guy inside that buying shoes without trying them on for size is evidence of faith in dumb luck - in short idiocy - I got him to open the door. He said, "We'll be open tomorrow".

So in a few minutes I'll go and see.

Your old friend,

Anonymous said...

You're a great soul, LD, thanks for that.

thomas robertson said...

Hi Linh, Thanks for the poems! If you feel lonely and want to talk, call me on Skype. My Skype name is tomrobertson1. Time zone is France. Cheers, Tom

xlarry said...

enjoyed that, thanks linh.
as to the poem on smells, i couldn't help but wonder if you might add to 'garlic' the garlic and soju stench as you enter a korean subway car.
take care,

xlarry said...

linh, i raise my estrella to you, in memory of all the guinesses we drank a few years back at my last attendance of a poetry reading of yours. thanks for the ending, too, i was going to write and ask if you were in a stairwell orsomething. my own first room in korea was about that size, or even very slightly bigger. if you ever want to skype, i'd love to have a drinking session. otherwise, i'll continue to enjoy south korea through your photos and writings. anyoung, as they say.

Linh Dinh said...

Yo Dan,

To maximize my time here, I'm constantly on the streets, and I think I may have to leave soon, except no countries are open to me but the US. I don't want to there, however, because it's way too expensive for my budget, and I think I'm more useful and interesting here in Asia. We'll see...
