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Thursday, September 2, 2021

As sent by Kirill Borisovich Glasse:



Today in Cape Town, I talked to an Uber driver, Shaun, who knew two people who had just died after being vaccinated. One man was only 23-years-old. Vaccinated on Friday, he felt unwell so went to a clinic on Saturday, where he was told there was nothing wrong with him. Sunday, he went to a private doctor and, again, was told he was fine. On Monday, he died.

Shaun, "Before he was vaccinated, we even joked about vaccine passports. He said, 'If we don't have vaccine passports, who will buy food for us?' We were laughing about it."

"If he had any doubts about the vaccine, why did he get it?"

"Many companies require you to get it."

"So he had no choice."

"No choice."

"And you can't even sue them!"

"No, you can't sue them."

"What will happen to his wife and children?! You said he was only 23. Did he have a wife and children?"




Anonymous said...

Linh - Sounds strange. Everyone I know is fully vaccinated and fine. I had both shots last March. Still Free as any country will allow. Vaccination is now a job requirement, like Security checks at airports. What a world! - McGlinchey Joe

Anonymous said...

LD, looks like even the followers of this blog are insane and cowardly as fuck--what a pathetic joke! Well at least one person is still laughing. Individually as well as collectively, when one no longer genuinely laughs, then you know they are finished. As an example, it's been many years since comedians will do shows on college campuses.

Anyway, keep kicking Kung Fu ass and avoiding black pussy!

Wanda said...

Hello, Linh!
I got the Johnson & Johnson vaccination last spring and had no sort of reaction to it at all. My brothers got the J&J jab, too, and also had no adverse reaction. Neither of my parents have been vaccinated, but they are retired and don't go out much so decided to wait and see.
An English friend of mine got whatever kind of vaccine they use in England around the same time as I got my shot and became quite ill but recovered after a few days, although feeling not himself for a few more days. His sister also was vaccinated and got sick, too, but not as severely.
An elderly Japanese woman I know who is living in the States refuses to be vaccinated although all her friends have been with no problems. But she is retired and rarely goes out.
You should think about getting vaccinated since you are exposed to so many strangers and travel so much. Your body seems like it's pretty tough and able to throw off even serious illness, so a vaccine shouldn't bother you, and would help protect you.
We wouldn't want to lose you!

craig dudley said...

there are lots of suspicions about the 'jab' and its contents. examples; a truck carrying a load of it wrecked the other day somewhere in pennsylvania and was treated as a hazmat scene and all that is entailed in that. paul craig roberts has been speaking of a myriad of problems with it on his blog: paulcraigroberts.org. it seems among other things that the pizer jab that was 'approved' might just be marketing as the original 'emergency' approved one, a different one we're told, is still the one being pushed. and then there's the nuremberg protocols in which, along with the laws of this land forbids such medical situations in which you're required to get such things, are being ignored as corporations now take the place of government and demand you participate in an invasive procedure that according to many reports has side effects no one would willingly accept. the list goes on but the true believers reject any question of their latest subject of worship: the jab.

xlarry said...

hi linh,
sorry to see pro vaxxers on your blog. i live in england as you know, and everyone i work with has had the jabs, and have always been ill afterwards. it's not a vaccine. but people will always be dumb as fuck. their plans are very big, very well thought out. cheers,

Linh Dinh said...

Hi all,

I appreciate everyone sharing their view and experience with the Covid jab. We're all just trying to figure out what's going on here. Emotions can run high with this topic, but let's keep the discussion civil. This is a very troubling time, obviously, and everyone of us has been negatively affected by this ongoing crisis.
