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Thursday, December 9, 2021

Bookstore at Saint Mary's Cathedral on 12-3-21--Windhoek

Deprive any Oriental of instant noodles for more than a few days, he'll definitely have a seizure, go screaming mad or shoot up the whole town. Luckily for me, there's this tiny store on Bahnhof Street, which I discovered by accident.

First time I walked in, the Chinese man couldn't understand my English, but there was a Namibian worker to help me out. Second time, there was a Chinese woman who said, "Eighty," which was the total of my purchase.

More than any other ethnic group, Chinese will settle anywhere, and survive mostly by opening a little store or restaurant. Quite rapidly, they'll learn at least enough of the local language to get by. In Belgrade, I met a German-born Chinese woman, around 20-years-old, who spoke perfect English and Serbian, on top of German and Cantonese.


Zeno said...

Why do they migrate so much? In South America, even in poor countries, many little markets, shops and restaurants are owned by Chinese. Sometimes I wonder, why did they travel so far, for this? Couldn't they do the same thing in China?

But Korean and Vietnamese are similar, are they not? The main exception are the Japanese, who seem to rarely migrate these days.

Anonymous said...

But for the wars, not many koreans or vietnamese would have left. the chinese had their turmoils too...