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Thursday, March 24, 2022

Pandora on the Road truck on 3-24-22--Windhoek copy

My guesthouse has seen many visitors lately, including a young couple from London, an older couple from Albuquerque, a successful Angolan businessman who spent 6 years in the States and, arriving last night, a Brazilian couple around 40-years-old who have visited 61 countries during 4 1/2 years. Noticing stickers for China, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia and Philippines, but no Vietnam, I said to Eduardo, "Hey, you missed Vietnam!"

"No, we were there, but some kid stole that sticker. We were in Vietnam for 2 1/2 months."

After Namibia, they'll hang out in Botswana, then ship the truck to Uruguay, pick it up there, then drive back to Brazil.

In Tibet, they met an Austrian couple who had just spent two years in Vietnam, much longer than planned, thanks to Covid.


Anonymous said...

Your Indian landlord must make a decent coin from all the guests he gets in remote Windhoek.


Linh Dinh said...

Hi S.,

He's a professor at the University of Namibia, and worked for 6 years in Saudi Arabia become coming here. Very helpful with everything, he's a great landlord, and his rates are unbeatable. He doesn't drink and barely eats meat. He just takes care of business. He has a second rental building, and plans on opening a restaurant at my guesthouse.
