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Saturday, May 7, 2022

Ideal family on a bank billboard on 5-7-22--Vung Tau copy

In advertising images, people depict their ideal selves, so on this bank billboard, this is the ideal Vietnamese family, with two obscenely fat kids. That's not cute, people, it's morbid!

Let's say you're in a restaurant. All the waiters and waitresses are slim and attractive, because they are poor. Suddenly, there's a porcine child waddling out from the back. Why, it's the owner's son or daughter, of course, this pitiful monster. Way overfed, this eight or nine year old seems ready for a heart attack any second, especially if he's Jewjabbed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The guy wears jeans! Hoe weird?
Again the empire is winning, succeeding and advancing.