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Saturday, June 4, 2022

American father takes his daughter to a Vietnamese wet market for the first time.

While there, they speak to each other entirely in Vietnamese.

They were charged roughly $7.40 per live frog, way too much. Though the man told his daughter she had to bargain at a wet market, he didn't follow his own advice too well. When told five frogs would cost $37.17, he asked for a discount, and broke out laughing when it was only 8 cents! Yet he let it go. On YouTube, a Vietnamese commenter says, "I'm sorry that you and Emi have to experienced of being overcharged at the market. Next time go with an elder Vietnamese woman until the locals get to know you to give you a better deal."

If the locals know you'll shop there regularly, they won't hustle you because they know they won't get away with it. Plus, if you go there often, you'll know the prices for just about everything. Though most Vietnamese merchants are honest, it only takes 1 dishonest one out of 10 to leave a very bad impression.

To give you a better idea of how much they were cheated, two fried frogs at a restaurant cost only $5.17! Granted, farmed frogs cost less than wild caught, but there's no way five live frogs of any kind should cost even $20, much less $37.17!!! A live pig weighting 15 pounds costs around $107 in Vietnam.

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