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Thursday, July 28, 2022

Speaking of reclaiming your heritage, here's the latest from Mongolia's The Hu:

You think they feel remorse for any of that "yellow horde" business? Fuck, no! In this video, they're slaughtering Chinese, and Mongolians did conquer all of China. Trying to swallow up Vietnam, they were defeated twice, and every Vietnamese knows that, or at least they all knew that until yesterday. As a reader just pointed out, international schools in Vietnam teach self-hatred, so rich Vietnamese kids probably know nothing about Vietnamese history.

A white American friend asked me recently in a disapproving tone if I was "transitioning to a Vietnamese nationalist"?

I responded:
Of course, I'm a Vietnamese nationalist. Ho Chi Minh claimed he was a Vietnamese nationalist above all. If I was living in Namibia as an ethnic Vietnamese, I would be a Namibian nationalist.

Nations fall apart when they catch the Jewish disease of globalism!


Eric said...

wow...now these dudes really have attitude.

right on Linh

Martin said...

Like Hollywood's inability to find enough in-shape native Americans ("Indians") for making frontier movies, whoever made this video had to settle for a few fat and out-of-shape Mongolians (especially the chubster on the charging horse) to play historical bad-ass warriors.