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Thursday, July 28, 2022

Three images of Ho at Bau Sen Elementary School on 7-27-22--Vung Tau copy

Three images of Ho at Bau Sen Elementary School on 7-27-22--Vung Tau (detail) copy

State schools everywhere tend to push state ideology. To avoid such brainwashing, more affluent Vietnamese parents enroll their children in international schools, but there, their kids are subjected to a different kind of indoctrination. Like everywhere else, Vietnam needs private schools that can instill love of one's heritage, while also encouraging enough independent thinking to be critical of it.

At this elementary school, there are Ho images and quotations, but the motto at the top is an old saying, "FIRST LEARN MANNERS, THEN LITERATURE." Văn is a key word in Vietnamese culture. It means writing generally. Culture means to be transformed by writing, văn hóa, and to be civilized is to be enlightened by writing, văn minh.

The map of Vietnam includes the Spratly and Paracel Islands, but notice also the image of a bronze drum as background. Since this stresses that the Vietnamese nation has endured for at least 2,500 years, it implies that Ho Chi Minh and the Communist Party are an extension of this, and not a Jewish aberration.


Anonymous said...

International schools in Vietnam: A racket by the international gangsters who specialize in robbing blind the native gullible filthy rich who want their spoiled brats to be molded into anything but Vietnamese. Those self-hating people.

Linh Dinh said...

You are mostly correct, sadly.