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Wednesday, August 24, 2022

The biggest safety worry for residents of Vietnam is, well, riding a motorbike or crossing the street:

Ba Cu and Le Hong Phong on 8-23-22--Vung Tau copy

Though getting to the other side may seem overwhelming, especially in Hanoi or Saigon, everyone gets the hang of it within days, if not hours. Hell, even chickens can do it:

SUV and chicken on 7-7-22--Vung Tau copy


Anonymous said...

People in Vietnam don't walk. Perhaps they have forgotten that their bodies have a function called walking or they just don't bother to use their legs. Will evolution modify their bodies and rid them of that unused body part? What would they look like then? And since I am not in a hurry to go anywhere most of the time, I choose to walk. Soon it becomes clear that in this environment the only people who walk are the lottery ticket sellers, one or two mentally ill people, a few rare foreign tourists --- and me. And that's it. That's really it. Everyone else whirls around on their motorbikes. And because they don't walk, they treat the sidewalks of their cities with utter contempt and neglect and use them only as parking lots for their bikes and as space for business.

Biff said...


Martin said...

The guy at the Missing Persons concert wearing the face diaper (at the 2:52 mark) was decades ahead of his time.

Anonymous said...

Out here, they call it the blue state burka.