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Wednesday, September 7, 2022

A Jew funding another Jew to destroy society with black crime

There, can I be any clearer? From "The Symbolism of Philadelphia" at The Other McCain, 9/4/22:


Perhaps nothing is more demonstrative of Philadelphia’s decline, and the role Democrats have played in that decline, than the tenure of Larry Krasner as the city’s district attorney. In 2017, left-wing billionaire George Soros wrote a $1.45 million check to Krasner’s campaign. That helped Krasner beat six other candidates in the Democratic primary and, in a city where Hillary Clinton got 83% of the vote in 2016, winning the Democratic primary is tantamount to election. Krasner got 75% of the vote in November 2017, and he was reelected in 2021 with 69% of the vote. So you can’t say that the people of Philadelphia are innocent in what Krasner has done; they voted to destroy their city by turning criminals loose:

Krasner ran as the anti-police candidate, and has made it his official policy to turn dangerous criminals loose on the streets of Philadelphia. One of the beneficiaries of Krasner’s policies, Maurice Hill, had an extensive criminal record — drug charges, aggravated assault, perjury, fleeing and eluding, escape and weapons offenses — before he engaged in a shootout [in August 2019] in North Philadelphia that wounded six cops


1 comment:

Martin said...

I know this can easily get out of hand, but I wouldn't mind seeing the war-starting neocons in Washington D.C., beginning with Victoria Nuland and her fat-assed, blow-hard, husband Robert Kagan, lined up against a wall and shot (along with every Soros-protected murderer I've read about in The Daily Mail). The Daily Mail is a British rag that covers, in great detail, American's black-on-white murder scene, they cover race crimes that our American news media won't dare to cover honestly.

The Democratic party DA's who are also getting people murdered because of their soft-on-crime, criminal-ass-kissing policies can also be lined up against a wall and shot. I'd even let a close family member of the victim pull the trigger (for "closure") if he or she wanted to; and, depending on the crime, as in the horror story below, I'd offer the husband of the victim (his wife and the mother of their two young kids) a baseball bat.

38-year-old Cleotha Abston, who has already spent 22.5 years in prison, will cost the taxpayers another million dollars before he's finally executed for his latest crime. He's a guy who should have been shot decades ago for all his previous crimes. There are thousands of men like the murderous-loser Cleotha Abston out roaming the streets in America:
