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Saturday, September 10, 2022

With Matthew Rossman at Cafe Ca Dao on 9-10-22--Vung Tau copy

I first met Matthew Rossman in 2018. From British Columbia, Matthew has been in Vietnam for 11 years and doesn't plan on going anywhere. During the worst of the Covid hysteria, Matthew lost his job in Saigon but found another one in Vung Tau, a hidden blessing, really, since he's much more comfortable in this mellow city. His wife is from Vung Tau, so she's also happier here. Matthew figured out early on that the Covid "vaccine" could be deadly, so he's unjabbed.

Like any sane Canadian, Matthew is dismayed at that sinister clown, Trudeau. Only a third of Canadians actually voted for him, Matthew pointed out, but that's enough to bring ruin to the country. Like Americans, Canadians tend to be loyal to their political party.

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