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Saturday, September 10, 2022


Why doctors aren't speaking out

Written by a doctor. Everyone should read this. We are headed for a perfect storm with escalating health needs and a shortage of doctors because of how we treat them.

Doctors have been whistleblowers throughout history. They've also been  silenced | Medicine | The Guardian

Dear Steve,

You ask why doctors are silent. The electronic medical records (EMRs) are a ball and chain to physicians. We are tracked through them. When I wrote a prescription for Ivermectin for a patient, with informed consent (she was vaccinated), I received 5 letters threatening my medical license, my hospital privileges, and my insurance contracts. I would not have received 5 letters if I killed someone in negligence or malpractice. If I have my license pulled, I will no longer be able to help my patients.

I speak to patients on a one-on-one basis, but speaking out would destroy my family. I have children. Quite frankly, I have seen that patients want me to risk myself for them, but are wholly unwilling to support their physician. The population is lazy.

I can save your life, but I get paid less for my work than some hairdressers. My education is not valued by society, as supported by the rise of the "advanced practice provider." I am almost done with my profession. I hope to retire in the next 1-3 years, decades before I had planned. I love what I do, but cannot take this toxic and broken system any longer. This is why so many have retired in the past couple years, and this trend will continue.

I am attaching the latest California bill to throttle physicians. I hear no outcry. I told patients over a year ago that the vax would not prevent them from getting COVID. It was never studied to do so. I actually read the studies. This of course was disinformation, but has now been proven to be true.

Who will be the truth czar for healthcare? How am I to keep up? I am left to assume that the population wants the government to guide their healthcare. That is, in fact, the plan. The healthcare system will be socialized within the next 5 years I predict. And the population will be shocked. No one is paying attention.

I thank you for all you are doing, and wish you the best of luck. I feel like you are David against Goliath.



1 comment:

Ron Ronery said...

If ANY doctor still believes there is a Virus then they are NOT Doctors. Getting a medical degree just means you studied and passed ALL the "Controlled" Institutional material given. In other words, you learn exactly what (((they))) want you to learn.

There is no such thing as a virus. People get sick due to "man made" toxins (which is in all those nicely packaged foods you see at the supermarket) and improper nutrition and lifestyle. The foods (((they))) tell you to eat are NOT what Nature intended you to eat.


Viruses are a theory from "Germ theory". It is a theory and never proven to exist. (((They))) just keep repeating the lie until people repeat it like truth....same tactics the human sheep continue to follow without fail.
