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Thursday, September 8, 2022

Your Smash, Grab, Dine and Dash Future

As published at SubStack, 9/7/22:

[Chicago, 2/27/14]


This Labor Day weekend, shootings left 11 dead and 55 injured in Chicago, 10 dead and 23 injured in Philadelphia, and I’m sure Saint Louis, New Orleans and Oakland, etc., were similarly festive. Baghdad, Juarez, Kabul and Kiev had to be more tranquil.

Shown on Philly’s ABC, a woman in her 20’s, Kiyah, remarks, “It’s normal. It’s regular,” but adds, “It’s getting worse and worse, you know what I mean?”

Of course, I know what you mean, Kiyah. I spent three decades in Philly. Gone four years, I have forgotten much of that menace, though three months in Cape Town reintroduced me to ghetto mode. There, too, I was almost mugged by blacks.

Philly’s police chief is named Outlaw, I kid you not, and she got this job after a similarly fine performance in Portland, Oregon. Despite a sharp rise of gun homicides during her watch, Outlaw was highly praised by Portland’s mayor, but that’s the political climate up that way.

On 7/16/22, the Oregonian reports, “Black teen and adult men continued to be disproportionately affected by nonfatal shootings and homicides, representing 47% of victims and suspects, while making up only 6% of the city’s population.” To be affected is to be acted upon, that is, to be the victims, and not perpetrators of shootings and homicides. Who says deft usage of English is kaput?

In Philly, Outlaw is paired with district attorney Larry Krasner, who used Soros money to gain office. Tell me if you’ve heard this one, a Jew funds another Jew to wreck society with black crime? Philly voters aren’t blameless since they voted for Krasner twice.

Always loyal to the home team, most Americans have hive minds so can't think as individuals. If they identify as Democrats, for example, they’ll overlook Hunter Biden’s degeneracy and Joe’s corruption. If Republican, they’ll ignore Trump’s push for the genocidal jewjab and kowtowing to Israel, but of course, all American politicians smooch kosher asses, so it’s not like these sheared sheep have choices. It’s tailored that way. Abjectly fearful and obedient, they’ll even pay to commit suicide for Jews.

Watching the US from afar, I’m amazed not just at its rapid disintegration, but also by the obliviousness of many Americans to their plight. All the ghastly trends I witnessed while there, so I’m only revisiting the familiar, though amplified. There are many more homeless crapping on sidewalks, drug overdoses, filth and barbarity. Long an exporter of unfathomable savagery, the US is retaining more of it for domestic consumption.

Though not paying for your restaurant meal, dine and dash, has been around for a while, it’s on the increase, and keep in mind most of these, involving just two people, say, are not reported to the police.  As inflation rises and food shortages affect many more folks, this will become so rampant, restaurants will be donnybrooks, with fists, dishes, food or even bullets flying, or forced out of business.

To preempt shoplifting, ghetto stores usually keep merchandises behind counter, if not bulletproof plexiglass. Now, we hear of suburban supermarkets locking up fresh meats or even cans of Spam, and flash mob shopliftings have become much more common. Instead of one guy surreptitiously stuffing a can of tuna down his pants, you have twenty thugs leisurely taking whatever they want.

Paid minimum wage, few employees will try to stop this, and even store owners will just have to bite their lips and watch, since they don’t want to be assaulted, if not killed.

On YouTube, there’s a video of a female clerk casually whacked in the face with a brick, as preface to some free shopping. (Sadly, blacks continue to be disproportionately affected by such crimes, as, uh, participants, unwillingly, of course, thanks to much white, yellow, brown and Arabic racism, per your Jewish professor. Jews aren’t racist...) More if not most US stores, then, will be tricked out like those in Philly or South Africa, with just slits even to hand over merchandise and cash.

You too will learn how to walk and talk ghetto. To get a head start, take that Greyhound to Philly. Enrich yourself then die, or vice versa.

After I complained about a YouTuber who presented rather lame Philly’s neighborhoods as “most dangerous,” a reader commented:

To be fair, it’s really hard in towns like Philly to really tell the difference between kinda bad and really bad areas if you're not from there.

Honestly I wouldn’t walk around most of Philly. Last time I was there I stayed with friends in Fishtown which wasn't bad relatively, but also had shootings and drug addicts everywhere and was not “safe.” We’d ride bikes around Kensington just to see the urban decay which aesthetically is very cool.

Overall Philly seems like a city of ruins and walking dead. The best people I saw there were the insane sports fans who’d be the worst people in many other parts of the country.

As a proud Philadelphian, I take exception to that nasty assessment, but he’s right, of course. The best Philadelphians would be deemed monsters anywhere else. What a compliment!

Forget the Greyhound, Philly will come right to your door and knock it down! Philly will sleep in your bed, between you and your spouse!

Enough of the good news! Here we are talking about restaurant dining and shopping, but there’ll be almost nothing to buy soon enough, and few coins to snag what’s available. Because of catastrophic weather worldwide, think climate engineering, almost all harvests, of rice, wheat, corn, soybean, sweet potatoes or whatever, are way below recent norms, plus millions of animals have been culled, so starvation for millions, if not billions, is guaranteed. As with the jewjab, the Satanic lords of this wretched earth want many of us dead. We get in the way of their poetic views.

Just as each of us dies alone, each society has its own death schedule. Since the jewjacked US exports nothing but death, venom and degeneracy, those rubbing against it will crumble first. They’re already grotesquely deformed.

In the UK, many people are refusing to pay their frightful electricity and gas bills. In Naples, the unemployed burn bills in public, while a restaurant owner adds light and gas surcharges to checks. Ignored by global media, Dutch farmers continue their protest. Baked this summer, Europeans will soon freeze, according to plan. In Ukraine, Jewish Zelensky demands more aids to ethnic cleanse Slavs. To make him look grand, propaganda videos are shot from below the short man’s chin, and the penile pianist is still wearing that army surplus T-shirt, for he’s a fighter!

92% of Vietnamese have received one dose of Covid “vaccine,” while 85% have been fully “vaccinated,” so this country is well snagged into the Great Reset. Its nationalism, though, is intact, so it will endure even with most of its people dead.

Foodwise, it’s also self-sufficient. Plus, most Vietnamese remember well the near starvation years that only ended two decades ago, so they can revert to eating next to nothing.

In the meantime, the feasting, drinking and laughing continue, so daily, I witness much mirth just walking around. Wherever you are, then, savor each bite.

Though the best is over for most of us, this fight isn’t done.

[Vung Tau, 9/4/22]


WayWay said...

Sorry for insulting your beloved City of Brotherly Love haha

As for the rampant theft happening all across the country, some think the delivery services will solve the problem, but it might just be making stealing much easier.



Linh Dinh said...

Hi WayWay,

Philadelphians think insults are compliments, so what you say is perfect!


Martin said...

A comment to an article in The American Renaissance on the another black-on-white rape and murder in Memphis:

"The single biggest mistake this country ever made was bringing Africans to North America. Africans should have be left in Africa, where they belonged, and left to deal with the conditions and circumstances in which they were born. The social degeneracy and the demographic destruction of our once great cities are rooted in a people whose ancestors were brought here as slaves who should have never been brought here in the first place. Hindsight is 20/20, but surely those who brought slaves over could not have possibly believed that they could assimilate to the social and cultural norms created by the White man. They instinctively, seemingly knew they couldn't, so they were kept as a sub-society within the larger White/European society.

I don't feel the slightest guilt over slavery. Those who use the history of slavery as a weapon don't feel guilty over it either. It's just another tactic to bully whites into coughing up more phony concessions that weaken their position in society and drain the wealth that Whites have rightly earned and deserve to keep. Slavery and its results are a curse that whites brought upon themselves, Africans had no capability of crossing the Atlantic to get here. That was the White Man's doing. Interestingly, if there had never been African slavery in the U.S., no open borders, and legal immigration capped at 200,000 annually after 1965, the U.S. most likely would be between 82% and 85% white today, and only 3% black. I wish i could find that demographic study. I shared it about a year or two ago, but didn't save it.

Reparations for slavery is another guilt-trip on whites that cloaks itself in righteous superiority. But it is most likely designed to eventually, and finally, impoverish whites as a demographic. White do-gooders better think twice about reparations, because it will never end. Never. Every black child born will grow up feeling entitled to their cut of the reparations check, paid for by Whites. Income transfers to an angry, resentful race that has been taught from birth how awful whites are because of slavery, who are taught they are entitled to loot our bank accounts, are also the same ones who will demand Whites up the reparation payments as a price to keep the social peace."

The article: https://www.amren.com/news/2022/09/the-murder-of-eliza-fletcher-and-the-fall-of-memphis-law-and-order/

I woke to another article of four new Memphis murder victims, all killed by one black, 19-year-old, ex-con. The SOB live streamed his murders to Facebook, you can see him all jacked-up and jive-talkin' the camera as he walks into an Auto Zone and immediately shoots a white man at near point-blank range at least twice:
