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Friday, November 4, 2022

Self-Canceling West

As published at SubStack, 11/4/22:


[Windhoek, 3/1/22]

With Big Pharma and Covid, science has become a superstition to cripple or kill fools. Trusting the science, minds stop functioning, not that most ever did, not much any way.

Give or take a trillion, 117 billion people have breathed, if just for seconds, on this earth, scientists tell us. Of these, how many never glimpsed a mountain, ocean, desert, starfish, snow, elephant, parakeet or just another adult human, fully naked?

Many Vietnamese have never seen brown or orange leaves on a tree, much less totally denuded ones. Never threatened with freezing to death, they can’t quite grasp winter. In half of Vietnam, the temperature never drops below 60, or maybe just once or twice a century. At 65 degrees, everyone puts on a sweater and goes brrrrrrr!

Remember that evening in 1949 when it sank to 59 degrees? Oh lord, grandma was under six blankets with the family dog, with both sobbing and their teeth chattering till they cracked. By dawn, both had expired, so we buried them in the same frozen pit.

Incomprehensible to inhabitants of the tropics, winter is approaching. Starved of Russian natural gas, Europeans lower thermostats, take cold showers and stock up on coal or firewood. Millions have refused to pay utility bills. Others sob at the sight of bizarre, hard to believe total due.

Endlessly provoked by Zelensky and the comedian’s handlers, Putin has finally turned off the lights, and faucets too, in much of Ukraine. There’s no television or internet, so no news, and elevators, much cursed since forever, have ceased to yo-yo. Since most Ukrainians are slotted into hideous high-rises erected during Socialism, just reaching the ground floor has become a huge problem, even if your legs aren’t arthritic at 70-years-old. Bottled water is hard to come by, toilets don’t flush and you can’t make hot tea to chase away the cold. Even a sponge bath is prohibitive.

Only yesterday, you were jammed into that vertical coffin and whisked, as if by magic, to your cozy cell on the 18th floor. Oh lord, please give us back our rickety lift!

Uncle Sam maintains a vast overseas network of American Corners, American Centers and Amerika Häuser. China has Confucius Institutes, Germany its Goethe Institutes and France its Alliances françaises. All these were set up to make the most favorable impression of each country, of course, so there are books, lectures, film screenings, musical performances and language classes. At Russian Houses across Europe, however, you can also duck inside to thaw your nuts this coming winter.

These “heating points” offer “human warmth” and “traditional hospitality” from Russia, explains a spokesman.

The head of Rossotrudnichestvo, Evgeny Primakov, drives this point home, “Europeans, don’t freeze because of your stupid and evil leaders! If your kids are wrapped in jackets at home and you have started to skimp on electricity because Ursula, Olaf and Emmanuel wasted your money on weapons for Ukrainian Nazis, come and warm up in our cultural centers in your capitals!”

With this crisis, the world can see Russians cutting through the bullshit. Speaking clearly, they make sense, unlike that appalling cast of Western clowns, Biden, von der Leyen, Scholz, Trudeau, Morrison and Adern, etc., and Western intellectuals, those still mentioned in newspapers or allowed on TV, are also guilty of leading their societies down a vast shithole roiling with canceled culture, history, common sense, thinkers and heroes, everything mixed together in a stinking slush, with here and there some celebrated turd bobbing on the surface.

As leader of a great nation existentially threatened, Putin shows firmness, composure, dignity and, most importantly, intelligence, for one wrong move can mean extinction. With his enemy so fanatically Satanic, all of his right decisions may still lead to that, but what choice does Putin have but fight?

On 3/24/24, Mussolini declared, “Chi non è con noi è contro di noi” [“Who’s not with us is against us”].

Right after 9/11/01, Hillary Clinton said, “Every nation has to either be with us, or against us. Those who harbor terrorists, or who finance them, are going to pay a price.” George W. Bush then stated, “Every nation, in every region, now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.”

Since the American version of 9/11 is entirely bullshit, as is its rationale for attacking Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria. More lies followed in its orchestration of the Covid hysteria and enforcement of Jewjabs. Now, WW3 has started with a deluge of lies.

Putin is entirely correct, then, in calling the US “an empire of lies,” and since it’s also, by far, the world’s most prolific purveyor of terrors, what choice does any sane, thinking man have but to wish for the quickest death possible for Uncle Sam?

Until that happy occasion, we can at least pay more attention to Putin’s insights, for he’s the only world-class statesman left.

Here’s a sample from Putin’s 43-minute speech to the Valdai Discussion Club in Moscow on 10/27/22:

At one time, the Nazis reached the point of burning books, and now Western “guardians of liberalism and progress” have fallen to the prohibitions of Dostoevsky and Tchaikovsky. The so-called cancel culture, but in fact—we have already talked about this many times—the real cancel culture mows down everything that is alive and creative, does not allow free thought to develop in any of the areas: neither in economics, nor in politics, nor in culture.

The very liberal ideology today has changed beyond recognition. If initially classical liberalism understood the freedom of every person as the freedom to say what you want, to do what you want, then already in the 20th century liberals began to declare that the so-called open society has enemies—it turns out that an open society has enemies—and the freedom of such enemies can and should be limited, if not abolished. Now they have reached the point of absurdity, when any alternative point of view is declared subversive propaganda and a threat to democracy.

Whatever comes from Russia is all the “intrigues of the Kremlin”. But look at yourself! Are we all that powerful? Any criticism of our opponents—any!—is perceived as “the machinations of the Kremlin”, “the hand of the Kremlin.” This is some nonsense. What have you fallen to? At least move your brains, state something more interesting, state your point of view somehow conceptually. It is impossible to blame everything on the machinations of the Kremlin.

All this was prophetically predicted by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky back in the 19th century. One of the characters in his novel The Possessed, the nihilist Shigalev, described the bright future he invented in this way: “leaving boundless freedom, I conclude with boundless despotism”—this, by the way, is what our Western opponents came to. He is echoed by another protagonist of the novel—Peter Verkhovensky, arguing that widespread betrayal, denunciation, espionage is necessary, that society does not need talents and higher abilities: “Cicero’s tongue is cut off, Copernicus’s eyes are gouged out, Shakespeare is stoned.” This is what our Western opponents are coming to. What is this if not the modern Western culture of cancellation?

Cancel culture kills all that is alive and creative, in every arena, so there’s no thinking left in the West, at least not openly, and no courage either, for all is meek on the Western front, with rising anger directed only against tertiary or entirely wrong targets. Into a bitterly cold darkness, it sinks.

As Putin points out, America has nothing left to offer the world. Desperately hanging on to its hegemony, it may send us all to hell.

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