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Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Woman with two cages of small birds on 11-22-22 - Poi Pet


WayWay said...

If God ever lets me go to SE Asia I'm buying some colorful fabric and getting parachute pants like these women wear tailored.

One of the greatest disasters of modernity, in my opinion, is the homogenization of attire. Traveling and seeing t-shirts and jeans everywhere is one of the most depressing experiences.

Biff said...

No need to drop acid. The colors are already there.

Linh Dinh said...

But Biff, everything goes better with acid, except sex.--Linh

Linh Dinh said...

Hi WayWay,

It's interesting that in ultra modern societies like Japan, South Korea and Germany, etc., black has become the predominant color, lending a funereal aspect to public spaces.


WayWay said...

"black has become the predominant color, lending a funereal aspect to public spaces."

In a sense the entire modern world is a funeral. We're on the cusp of the new epoch, watching the previous one die.

Anonymous said...

Wayway - Folkwear Patterns has this it's very very easy to make