This was caused by a new ointment and, even more damagingly, an abrasive liquid soap. Both were bought half a block from here.
It got so bad, I started to worry I might have to go to the hospital, but with rest and better food, I'm seeing tiny improvements. One more day of this, and I should be back outside, roamning the streets.
Being confined inside, I've listened to some music. Recently, I observed that some of the best Western products or traditions will be preserved and even renewed in the East. And, "Already, many of the best performers of Western classical music are Orientals." In jazz, too, there's Hiromi Uehara of Japan. She is perhaps the best jazz pianist alive.
Use Johnson’s baby soap if you can find it
Hope you feel better soon, Linh.
But when you return please don't upload anymore of those unsettling images of hotdogs printed on plates. Those things freak me out.
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