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Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Linh Dinh, ENJOY THE MOMENT and Venus at DC Homestay on 1-9-24--Vung Tau copy

An insolent, English babbling bum broke into our compound last night. Caught, he refuses to leave. Personally, I think this terrorist should be drawn, quartered, burnt, blindfolded then shot by a firing squad in public. Order must be maintained.


paddy said...

i hope you're feeling okay - you're looking very thin here.

Of course, to me, a guy of ....(uh....let's say ....yeah) stout build, everybody looks scrawny.

Are the mushrooms helping at all? Is it akin to buying carbon offsets? You can eat your cherished Philly cheesesteak if you dose it afterward with some medicinal mushroom?

Sorry, just kidding, i don't mean to make light of your health issues. I'm exactly a year older than you and i can no longer get away with many of my bad eating habits....sigh.

You need to keep well so we can keep reading your essays!

Linh Dinh said...

Hi paddy,

I'm feeling much better than six months ago, so a change in diet plus some treatment, including fasting, have certainly helped. I'm on the right path.
