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Saturday, January 13, 2024

Emil Cosman on the death of Gonzalo Lira [1/12/24]


Albuquerque Dan said...

Oh, bloody Hell. I somehow knew this was coming. His chilling, final video is even more chilling now.

The Biden administration, “Team Trailer Trash”, will rot in Hell for ignoring Gonzalo Lira’s plight.

Rest in Peace, Gonzalo.

Malo periculosam, libertatum quam quietam servitutem. - Thomas Jefferson

Linh Dinh said...

Hi Albuquerque Dan,

The Jefferson quotation is perfect. I'll use it in my article on Lira. Very sad day.


swiss reader said...

Another nail in the coffin of freedom.I`ve lost my appetite for breakfast now.Tortured and killed for stating the obvious.Western values at work.State Department expresses regret.
When people lie, their own words can be used against them, but when they tell the truth, there is no logical argument, only violence as an antidote.-Theodor Fontane(1819-1898)