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Monday, January 8, 2024

"I investigated the UFO event in Peru and what I found SHOCKED me" Timothy Alberino | Redacted [1/7/24]


Anonymous said...

No bombshell this time, but still shocking?
I am shocked.


Linh Dinh said...

tt, I'm getting tired of your sarcasm. If you have a point to make, just say it straight! It sure sounds like you didn't even bother to watch the video--Linh

Lyle said...

It seems that any "points" to the story may have been...Redacted....
How about this, rival hi-tech river miners feed local villagers with
Exotic mind-altering, readily available in the surrounding jungles of
Peru, "herbal remedies", then show them sci-fi videos for the purpose
Of sewing doubt and confusion about up-coming presidential election.

Anonymous said...

By just looking at the headline of the videos sure I don't bother to watch the content. Doesn't it look like a giant clickbait? I found his channel through this blog and it is just onother attention seeking channel like most of them.


Anonymous said...

Buses full of kids missing from Maui.